Tuesday, November 15, 2011

5 things that make me mad !!!

1. wh3n p3op!3 type like that on facebook ! its aggravating ! what ever in the worl you are trying to type like that for i honestly and truly don't know . Have a little bit of class and type with normal words. If you want to abbreviate a few things so be it. But don't type like your insane. Just saying .

2. Another thing that aggravates me is when people steal THINGS THAT ARE NOT THERES !

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The 2011 Election

Something I don't continue to understand about adults is what they think . When something doesn't work isn't the proper thing to do is to change it ? Don't you try to do the thing that works better even if it is new and innovative. I'm just getting tired of the crime in this city, what's the world coming to when the drug dealers can't walk the streets at night?

So the citizens of New Haven decided that it was  the better choice to vote for a mayor who has been in office for 18 years and has done close to nothing. I continue to tell people if you think this New Haven promise thing is the best ever, learn that it's not. I have been to the New Haven promise meetings and rallies, all of them. It's a tricky little thing and it doesn't really give you many options on where you can go to school. It basically keeps you on the inside of the city and you truly never get out. The high school dropout rate is 58% ( I'm pretty sure) and kids are starting to not care about life at all either. Children as young as 13 years old are dying by gun fire. Honestly speaking : Why would you let a mayor who has let these things under his leadership happen back in ? Why couldn't Kerekes have been mayor? Why shouldn't the new get a chance, he's young and passionate and DeStefano is getting older.

New Haven will learn one way or another.

Monday, November 7, 2011


So now that we are past the disturbances of the mouse in journalism class , I should write a post.

Entertainment is a huge business . It's always consuming, it's pretty much just apart of our lives. Everyday we turn to different shows on TV that point out the "famous" people or the interesting dirty scandals. Some entertainment or media sites I tend to like are :


These are real interesting and I can read it and apply it to different parts of my life.
check some of them out if they interest you.